Friday, June 29, 2012

Fuge's New Friend.

Once upon a time, there was a cat named "Fuge" who lived with his owners, Apa Adi and Grandma Ira. They took great care of him.

Fuge is a Russian blue breed of cat. He's about a year old.  Fuge likes to climb chairs.

One day when Fuge was climbing on his favorite chair, out of the window he saw a squirrel.  It was a very nasty squirrel. Now, when the squirrel saw Fuge, it ran into the neighbor's yard, breaking their favorite dolphin statue.

Now this squirrel was grey, with beady eyes that looked almost as red as rubies.

Fuge snickered as the neighbor yelled at the squirrel and shooed it away with a broom.  "That's what that squirrel deserves," thought Fuge, "a yell and a shoo with the broom."

So, the squirrel bounded into a tree and threw nuts at Fuge.  Fuge ran out into the yard. The squirrel ran toward it.

But, the squirrel said, "I'm sad. That woman shooed me with a broom and knocked my tail. It really hurts."  "Don't worry. Maybe I can take you home. My owners may like it if I have a new friend." said Fuge. And, Apa Adi and Grandma Ira were happy that Fuge had a new friend.They fed the squirrel just like they fed Fuge.

One day, a dog came and barked at the squirrel. The squirrel was very scared, so it ran into the house and broke one of the flower vases. But, Apa Adi and Grandma Ira weren't mad. They said, "That flower vase has been very, very useless. The flowers were dead anyways, and we were going to throw them out."  Then we were going to sell the flower vase. So, it's okay you broke it. We can just throw away the scraps now.

The squirrel was happy he didn't get in much trouble. One day when the Grandparents were out for a walk, the dog came by again.  The squirrel didn't want to be around this dog, that barked all the time.  Fuge helped his new friend by chasing the dog away.

But, wait! The dog had pulled the leash out of its owner's hands. Fuge thought it was a very awful dog.  So, Fuge quickly ran after the dog following its footsteps. The dog was pleading with its owner for a treat. "That's a bad owner," thought Fuge. "It's giving the dog a treat, when it just pulled the leash from his hands, AND barked at poor little squirrel."  Fuge noticed the owner was the neighbor.

The neighbor saw the squirrel and said, "That nasty beast! What type of pet is that? Who has a squirrel for a pet? "Apa Adi and Grandma Ira are crazy," thought the dog. "That's not nice," thought Fuge. "You are being very mean to my owners. And, you barked at poor little squirrel!"  The dog just barked again. It was trying to protect its owner.

Fuge fought back and the dog lost his bark. It couldn't bark anymore. So, the neighbor moved.

The end.

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